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21 April 2021

Meet the Animals at Stickwick

You will love the mixture of animals and characters at Stickwick, each being unique.  Why not meet our friends at our animal feeding sessions, where you can get involved. Just pull on your wellies and a coat and come and say hello.

Often the nosiest animals you hear are our three loveable donkeys. Rockey, Max and Duke. They love to have a frolic, a bellow and a scratch and of course a piece of apple or carrot.  

Always trying to help proceedings are Daisy and Duke, our fun goats, whom are the mischievous members of the team. If there is ever trouble they will be in the thick of it. No wall or fence is high enough and if they spot a gap in the gate, they will be gone, straight to the feed shed!

They are a little crazy (they fit in well) but just want attention and fuss. They just love to go for a walk, to visit the rabbits and be given a scratch on the bum. However, watch out, if the roses are out, be warned they will eat them all, thorns and all…

You won’t be able to miss our crazy mixture of poultry and I am sure my cockerel will have made your first morning a real farm experience. 

We have many rare breeds of poultry, with buff (fluffy and ginger in colour) and lavender (small grey) Orpington’s. The Devon Blues appear to have little crowns on their heads and lay wonderful blue eggs. Egg collecting is special; as you never know what you will find, just compare the sizes and colours, nothing like the supermarket ones.

See the ducks on the pond, having a wash and collect their ginormous eggs as well, perfect for cake making. You may hear a strange cackle, which will be from the prehistoric looking guinea fowl (gleany). Related to the peacock, they have a strange small head and bulbous body, but the sounds they make are very entertaining.

Lastly, our bunnies will need some fresh greens from the garden (thanks to Richard) to munch, a cuddle and some fuss. Meet Smartie, the biggest bunny in town, but as soft as his fur. Gwen, Nibbles, Erica and Fuzzy are also full of fun. We often have a few baby friends and just love to play hide ’n’ seek in the buckets.

We just love to share our animal feeding sessions. This gives the children time to explore, relax, meet the animals, and build confidence around new animals and for all ages to learn more about the countryside and farming life. 


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